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Iowa Tenants' Project
Small Claims Assistance

Automatic Carpet Cleaning

It appears to be standard for almost all landlords to automatically charge for carpet cleaning at the end of a tenancy. There are several problems here. First, because the charge is automatic, the landlord does not need to inspect the unit and no cleaning at all may be required Secondly, the landlord can only charge a tenant for cleaning beyond ordinary wear and tear.
Here is a Automatic Carpet Cleaning brief that gives the full legal explanation of why charging tenants for all damage and/or routine maintenance in their units is illegal.
Here are two District Court rulings that hold that Iowa landlords can't charge automatic cleaning fees.

Here is a link to return to the main small claims assistance page.

The Iowa City Tenants' Project is committed to tenants' rights and to fair play for both tenants and landlords. The Tenants' Project seeks to educate tenants and landlords about their legal rights and responsibilities and to empower tenants to vindicate their rights in court.

For further information go to the Iowa Tenants' Project Contact Page